Wednesday, 14 September 2016


We are a nation of startling contrasts.   An union of varied races, languages, castes, religions et al.. To put it openly – a   country of divergent groups of people,   stuck   together by a democratic framework,  adopted  constitution and a strong, disciplined military.
We have -
1)    Opulent wealth resting with one section of people, heartrending poverty roasting another section
2) Strident industrial development on one side, staggering, and struggling  agricultural scenario on the other side
3)    Uncontrolled urban development,  uncared for rural areas
4) Massive medical institutions, hospitals in cities and towns, while rampant malnourishment, apathetic health conditions, abhorring infrastructure plague the  rural  areas, so much so that a poor, unfortunate citizen had to carry  his  wife’s  dead  body on foot for over 10 kilometers, for want of an ambulance in Orissa.
5)    Conquered the skies with satellites, whereas our villages and remote areas languish without  adequate street lights
6)    Emerged as leaders in the field of software, but millions walk without footwear
7)    Shining four lane expressways, but deplorable potholed country roads
8)    Highly corrupt polity and  bureaucracy, ruling over a submissive, tolerant and docile populace
9)    Women Goddesses deified as Immortals in temples, while the common mortals are  tormented, harassed at home, work spots  and public places 
10) Numerous tax rates and structures,  with wide scale evasion
11) Been blessed with many rivers and other natural resources, over which regional states bicker and fight. The horrendous attack by Kannada fringe outfits on Tamils and their properties at Bangalore and other places in Karnataka sent shock waves throughout the country. The hooliganism had the stamp of indirect political instigation as everything seems to have been preplanned malevolently and executed with hatred.  This   unfortunate    episode   has   once again proved that  all  high talk, rhetoric  and  sermons  on Indian integration are nothing but a farce and  laughing stock. The mindless mayhem unleashed on the streets of Bangalore is deplorable and highly condemnable.   Bangalore’s   image  has  suffered  a  beating,  with  insecurity plaguing the industrial houses and business entrepreneurs.
12) Unity in diversity as the official motto, contrarily on the ground disunity prevails in Toto – what with the innumerable caste, communal clashes, regional disturbances fuelled by river disputes, border tussles etc
13)  Abundant manpower and skills, but unexplored talents going unrecognized due to official and bureaucratic apathy
14)  An array of native languages,  house a multi lingual society, all unified by a foreign language ( English )
15)  A surging sense of patriotism and oneness exhibited during an emergency and external threat, and an overt exhibition of disunity during peaceful times.
16) Recurrent political scams of gargantuan nature, enacted  without remorse or shame
17)  Institutions lending at will to big businessmen who default on repayment and even flee the country, while the poor and middle class borrowers are physically assaulted and harassed by recovery agents.

The list can continue a bit longer. But it is time to stop.

The ruling establishment at the  Centre should strive its best towards fostering an uniform, all round development in the country, eschewing political differences  and  work  steadfastly for  removing   regional  imbalances.

This is our motherland, and all the wealth that  She has,  is   to  be inherited,  shared  and  enjoyed  by  everyone  of  us,  cohesively.


Tuesday, 6 September 2016


India is a nation with abundant wealth, be it men, material and natural resources. Mother Nature has showered Her blessings in abundance, and  bestowed  this boon genuinely, fostered by the belief that the people of this great nation would live together amicably, in a cohesive manner.
But as ill luck would have it, Indians have always bickered amongst themselves when it comes to sharing of natural resources like land and water. The unfortunate  episode  continues  to  this  day,  espousing  another  side  of our  “ oneness “, quite different and distinct rather, but a realistic one.

It has always been a herculean task for the lower riparian states of the Indian Union to get their rightful share of water from their upper riparian counterparts,  except  during periods of  benevolent monsoon.  This  fluid,  nagging problem gets temporarily  “ closed “, when the skies “ open “ generously.  

The dispute in sharing of Cauvery waters between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, the omnipresent Mullaperiyar tussle between Kerala and Tamil Nadu have assumed a perennial nature, akin to the flow of the rivers. The parochial mindset of the governing establishment has only worsened the situation. Tempers run high on both sides, endangering law and order, thereby throwing normal life out of gear at regular intervals. The unfortunate victims are the innocent commoner and the distraught farming class.

The warring states have been fighting prolonged legal battles, much to the chagrin of the Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court of India, who have advised  the  high handed  upper  riparian parties to  follow  the  basic  tenet of “ Live and let live “, which is an embodiment of  Bharatiya  Samskara.

On the one hand we see states like Assam, Bengal,  Bihar, Uttarpradesh, and other places that lie on the banks of the Brahmaputra, Ganga, and  Yamuna, reeling under floods on a yearly basis, marooning vast stretches of land and throwing normal life out of gear, causing  widespread destruction to crop, cattle and importantly humans.  Ironically on the other hand, draught, famine, water scarcity plagues states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa etc.   Abundance  of  water wreaking  havoc  on one side, and  dearth of the same  creating  untold  misery  on  the  other  side.  Tell tale evidence  of  sadistic  disparity.

Have we ever seen the European / the American  nations, fight amongst themselves  in  sharing  the  waters  of  the  Rhine,  Danube,  Seine, Amazon,  and other great rivers?  Not known or seen by me in the generations of my living memory.  Clear cut, sterling example of collective and conducive living.

We are a sovereign nation for nearly seventy years. Nonetheless we have made strident development on many fields and enjoy good reputation among the comity of nations. It is high time serious steps are initiated towards interlinking of Indian rivers, on a phased manner, which would usher in tremendous growth in terms of produce, and bring prosperity to the populace. TIME FOR VERY SERIOUS INTROSPECTION  AND THINKING. MAY THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT UNDERSTAND REALITY, SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY AND SUPPLEMENT   THE  SAME  WITH  STRIDENT ACTION. 

Let us remember that  “ Mother  Nature  can  take  care  of  everyone’s  need,  but  cannot  satisfy  an individual’s  greed “.



Monday, 13 June 2016


 The  above  titled  film  has  created  a  sensation  in  India and among the Indian Diaspora  living  abroad, even  before  its  release.  It has brought to light the widespread use of drugs by Punjabi youth and the havoc caused by it on Punjabi society.  The  scourge  was  reported  earlier  through   articles  in  the  print  media,  but  the  film  has  exposed the  veracity,  severity of this catastrophe that is  threatening the  social  fabric,  health and  wellbeing  of  thousands of  youth in Punjab.

Punjab  has  always  been  known  as  the  land  of  plenty,  prosperity  and  valor. It is one  of  the  most  developed  states  of  the  Indian  Union,  and  has  been  the  forerunner in various  fields like agriculture, industrial   development, infrastructural advancement,  lionhearted  inhabitants,  hardworking  labor  force et al. It  still  remains the  wheat granary of India and  feeds  a  sizable  percentage  of  the  Indian populace.

I  happened  to  view a  documentary  aired  by  an  English  Channel  on  this  disturbing subject  a  fortnight  back.  A  sense  of  anguish  and  sadness  permeated  in my mind and  it took me  some time  to  get  away  from  it. 

The   scenes  were  disturbing  indeed. The  camera  captured  piles  of disposable syringes, empty, half filled, fully loaded vials of spurious, life threatening drugs, generated  both  internally within the state and stealthily smuggled from across the border. Amidst  lush  green  fields,  youngsters  were  seen smoking hashish, and injecting  drugs,  on  the  light   of   dawn  itself.

The  reporter  focused  on  some highly  infested  pockets  and  featured  on  numerous families  whose  wards  have  lost  their  youth,  energy  and  life  in  Toto, having become  slaves  of  drugs.  The   effects   were  very  clear  to  see.  Scores  of  youth sported  dazed  looks,  hazy  mind  and  face,  exhibited   devastated  and  wreaked frames.  The irony  is  that  the  hapless  victims  openly  confided  that  they  cannot  live  without drugs.    Many  distraught  parents   have  resigned / reconciled  themselves  to  the  cruel,  sadistic  game  that  destiny  had  thrust  on  them.

It   is  high  time  the  State  and  Central  Governments  crack  the  whip  and  come down  heavily  on  the  drug  peddlers  /  traffickers,  by  meting  out  stringent punishment  on  them,  so  as  to  redeem  the  dynamic  youth  of  Punjab  from  the cancerous  spread  of  drug  addiction.  This  disease  needs  a  strong  panacea, and  given  the  alarming  ground  reality,  wielding  the  stick  alone will  help and  provide succor  to  thousands  of  devastated  families.




Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Indifferent Leaders


Sri.Nitish Kumar, Chief Minister of Bihar set the ball rolling by distributing valuable gifts on the netas of his state, so as to keep them in happy stead.

Sri.K.Chandrasekara Rao, Chief Minister of Telangana state got the cue and closely followed suit by announcing a manifold increase in the salaries of his state MLAs, who are indeed blessed, as they have literally hit a jackpot. Can there be a better New Year Gift to those privileged coterie of prathinithis. A whopping  increase of over 150% in monthly salary for every MLA.

Not to be left far behind in the race, Sri.Veerbadra Singh, Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, has bestowed a similar bounty on the elected representatives of his state. Sheer  cornucopia. 

An example has been set. Now it is just for the other states to emulate and follow suit with similar benefaction.

Can there be a more insidious  way  of  irritating the ordinary citizens in general and insulting the agriculturists in particular, when hordes of farmers are committing suicide driven by crop failure, debt burden and poverty?

Is it not the most inopportune time to indulge in  such extravaganza and gobble up  public money  when the peasants are immersed in penury and nearly half  of  India is reeling under severe drought?

Does it not tantamount to thriving on human misery?

How can this salary hike and lavishing of gifts be justified through rational thinking and interpretation, when people are sweating it out to  make  both  ends  meet.

Adding insult to injury is the oft repeated news about the overseas trips and pleasure junkets made by the  elected representatives’ of different states, under the garb of  study tours to educate themselves about the infrastructure and other developmental aspects associated with town planning and governance, effectively implemented and put into operation in foreign countries. What transpires is entirely different, though.

Come a populist leader’s birthday -  By Jove,   can  there be a better occasion to spend tax payers money than on throwing a bashing party, with glitzy film stars, political and industrial leaders, all running riot with frenzy. Making merry and freaking out at the commoner’s expense. Having seen such visual irritants over and over again in television, the man on the street has become immune to all sorts of political indifference, irresponsibility and callousness,  that   they  do  not  make any impact in his benumbed mind.

Oh come on man - After all Emperor Nero played fiddle when Rome was burning.    There are historical precedents to lean on and bank upon. Then why make an issue out of all this. It is peoples’ money and it has to be spent lavishly on their representatives’.  Logically  so  simple, by existing  political culture. Isn’t.

Stalwarts like Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari ( Rajaji ), Kamaraj, Kakkan, Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, were men of sterling character, who lived a simple life and upheld probity in public life. Parallel can be drawn to Sri.Manik Sarcar, the present Chief Minister of Tripura, whose asset value is less than that of an ordinary sales representative.  They will always be held in high esteem by the laymen and  live  in  their  hearts forever, whereas the flamboyant lot will be looked down with disdain and fade from memory very soon.

Politicians should serve the people and not do disservice to  them  through  unjust personal enrichment.

The words of Subramania Bharathi’s song – “ Nenju Porukkudillaye indha nilai ketta manidharai ninaindhu vittal “ ring in my ears.  May saner political wisdom  prevail.

Jai Hind


Thursday, 24 March 2016


Five Indian States ( Tamil Nadu,  PondicherryKerala, Assam  and  West Bengal ) go to polls this summer. Political activity and manoeuvring are gathering pace with each passing day, like the scorching heat. Parties parley with each other notching up new alliances, all born out of compulsion / convenience,  than of choice. Former allies have turned adversaries now and vice versa. Old friends are new enemies and new pals were old rivals, lending credence to the saying – “ There  are  no permanent friends and enemies in politics “ 

Political alliances are sewn mainly for winning the elections and securing power, than on upholding principles and probity. Politics has got narrowed down to a number game played by applying all permutations and combinations towards garnering victory.  Money and muscle power will flow in plenty, leaving morality to penury.

The  commoner  will  be viewed, treated like a Prince by all politicians till the culmination of the electoral exercise. Once results pour out, he would be comfortably forgotten and thrown in the wilderness,  given his indifference and lethargy.

The electorate should be conscious, knowledgeable in weighing the pros and cons of alliances and choose the right one for ushering in a period of development and peace. Most importantly they should totally refrain from accepting money for casting their vote as it is not a tradable commodity, but is a treatise of conscience. They should uphold morality  in   thinking,  exhibit  political  maturity, and not make a dichotomy of the two.

It is the avowed wish   of  the  people  that  the  august  houses of power should get filled by men of character and conduct driven by the desire to deliver and serve the public at large, without fear or favor, which alone would affix the stamp of excellence  on democracy.

Politics should turn out martinets and not produce megalomaniacs. May the best of men and mechanism win for  the  benefit  of  mankind.  JAI HIND.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Adieu Dear Mother

The only certain event in life is death. Rather a blunt and crude interpretation of existence – Isn’t. That which is born has got to go as and when the beckoning call comes from HIM.

My dear mother Smt. Thailambal was summoned to her heavenly abode in the wee hours of Sunday, the 31st January 2016 after prolonged illness. The subpoena got served a little late but it is not subject to our whims, but solely rests on the dispatching authority perched in His headquarters up above the sky.

She lived a full, calm and contented life. She personified a traditional, devoted housewife and encompassed in herself all those noble qualities that go to eulogize motherhood.

Born as a darling child in a liberal Tamil Brahmin family, bereft of rigid orthodoxy, she got wedded into a contrasting family, where rituals and customs held ( still hold sway with shades of dilution having crept with passage of time ) and influx of modernity and its paraphernalia.

Amma was an embodiment of patience, reservoir of affection and accommodation, personification of kindness, devotion and dedication. She steered our family in a perfect, gentle manner with a suave nature and conduct. We have never seen her in an angry, morose mood nor heard her speak in raised decibels as they were not only anathema but also alien to her. She  never  sounded  a  different  opinion  or  raised  a  discordant note  ( rather not had / given the choice too )  on any matter with my father, what with the stringent environment that prevailed during yesteryears.  But she took everything with a smile, never felt hurt even for a while, but went an extra mile to keep all of us in perfect shape and style.

She was a great host – can be called an Annapoorani or Annalakshmi. She served food to hundreds in our house – ( transcending barriers,  treating  relatives, friends, well wishers et al ) alike, sweating it out in the old, smoky kitchen, without any trace of hesitation, irritation or exhibiting signs of tiredness.

Amma remained a pillar of strength and support to myself and siblings. As for my father it can be said that she stood by him like the rock of Gibraltar, in facing the vicissitudes and vagaries of life.  Indeed Thailambal belongs to the league of extraordinary women, despite having led an ordinary life. I bow before you ma.

You were never a cause of trouble to anyone but remained a token of strength all through.  Despite ill health plaguing, you traversed as long as you could with determination, and bore all bodily ills, pains with grit and resolve until the last breath.

Amma, I am sure your soul will rest in peace in heaven ( as that’s your rightful, eternal abode ) under the Almighty’s tender care and protective embrace.

You are gone now, and can never be seen again. That’s the harsh fact imposed by nature on all living beings, more to be felt and grieved by mortals. You will always be remembered and live forever in our hearts.  

Though I managed to remain composed while performing her last rites, tears welled up when the funeral pyre was lit.  Kavignar Kannadasan’s lyric in the all time favourite song "Ponal Pogattum Poda" - "போனால் போகட்டுà®®் போடா", which poignantly narrates the travesty of human existence from birth to death  came to my mind,  that  goes as

“Elumbukkum Sadhaikkum Maruththuvam Kanden
Idharkoru Marundhai Kandena?
Irundhal Avalai Thannanthaniye
Eriyum Neruppil Viduvena?"

"எலுà®®்புக்குà®®் சதைக்குà®®் மருத்துவம் கண்டேன்
இதற்கொà®°ு மருந்தைக் கண்டேனா?
இருந்தால் அவளைத் தன்னந்தனியே
எரியுà®®் நெà®°ுப்பில் விடுவேனா?"

Meaning  - I have found medicines to cure ailments affecting the bones and skin, but couldn’t find a medicine to prevent death.  If I had achieved it,  how could I  ever leave you burning all alone in the funeral pyre ?

And the following hymn of Pattinathar also echoed in my ears -

"Munnai Itta Thee Muppuraththile
Pinnai Itta Thee Then Ilangaiyile
Annai Itta Thee Adi Vayitrile
Yanum Itta Thee Mulga Mulgave"

"à®®ுன்னையிட்ட தீ à®®ுப்புறத்திலே
பின்னையிட்ட தீ தென் இலங்கையிலே
அன்னையிட்ட தீ அடிவயிà®±்à®±ிலே
யானுà®®ிட்ட தீ à®®ூள்க à®®ூள்கவே"

Meaning – The fire which emanated in the front from Lord Shiva’s Third Eye charred the Thirupura Asura Country, The fire that was lit in the back of Hanuman’s tail burnt Lanka,  The Fire that the mother holds is in the womb, and let the fire lit by me grow and grow so as to char my mother’s mortal remains.

Love you and Good Bye Dear Amma - Rest in Peace


Saturday, 30 January 2016

* Chidambaram and Madurai Households*

It   is   said   that   the   first   bondage   of    society   is   marriage.  This   has  been  said and  stood  the  test  of  time.  A  happy   fusion  of  body   ( temporarily )  and    mind ( permanently )  goes  to  make a marriage successful. Mutual understanding,     display of  love  and  affection,  expression of  care and  concern,    between  man  and  wife  are  the  hallmarks  of   a   happy   matrimonial  relationship.  This  is  nothing  new,  but   has  been  in  vogue  from  time  immemorial,   spanning   from   the   days  of   the  great  epics.  Our  Puranas  are  replete  with  innumerable  stories   emphasizing   the   importance   of   conjugal   bliss,  so   as   to  lead   a   meaningful  and   constructive   life.

The  fact  that  Lord  Rama  is  still  considered,  revered  indeed,   as   the  most   perfect  Mr. Clean,  by  millions  of  Hindus  lends  credence  to  all  the  characteristics  that  an  ideal  man  should   possess,  stand   for  and   uphold   in   his  life. That  the  Almighty   Himself    took  birth  as  the  Prince  of  Ayodhya  for  inculcating   the   values  and   virtues   which  humans,  more  particularly   the  masculine  class,  should  possess  and  pursue, is  really  awe inspiring.   As  a  Divine  Avatar, it  was  possible   for  Lord  Rama  to  lead  a  clean  and  virtuous  life.  Ordinary   mortals   should   try   their   best   to  practice   as  many   tenets  as   possible  that   the  Lord   possessed,  as  it  would   be  next   to   impossible  to   espouse  Him  in  entirety,   given  the   modern   world    in  which  we  live  and   the  travesties  that  it  unfolds.  Equally Sita Devi is eulogized  for  her  noble  character,  patient attitude, unswerving love and affection showered on her husband and family et al, which are looked high upon by the society  in  general  and  womenfolk  in  particular, to this day.  Ram and  Sita  were  and  are  still the most revered  divine,  epic couple.

It   is  enshrined   in  Bharatiya   way    of    life,   that    the   Pathni  /   Sahadharmini   ( wife )  should  obey  her  Pathi ( husband ),  in  word,   spirit   and  conduct,  take  care  of   him   and   their  children,   thereby  upholding   the   greatness   of         womanhood ( Naarimani ).  This   has   been   the   dictum   and   has  also  been  followed  from  epic times.  It   holds  good   even  now,  in   a   vast   majority   of   Indian  households,  but   for   a   selective   few    ones,   where   the   situation   is    topsy-turvy   and   works   the   other   way   round. 

It   is  generally  said  that  in   all   those   households   where   the   masculine   voice  holds  sway,  there  would   be  peace and  tranquility. If   the  situation  is  not  so,  then the principle of   manhood,  and  all   other   features  attached   to  it  gets lost,   as  brevity   becomes  a  casualty  and  meets  its  waterloo.  A  disquieting  development  is  that  this  trend  is   prevalent   in   some   families  today,  with   the  hapless   husbands’  suffering  from  the  indignities  harped  on   them   by   their  dominant   life   partners’.

On  reading  the  above  paragraph  readers  should  not  come  to  a  hasty  conclusion that  these  are   the  utterances   of   a   male   chauvinist,  who  stands  for  subjugating women.  Definitely   not  so.   I   am   a   strong  exponent  for  the   provision  of  equality  to  women  in  all  spheres   of  life   in  the  modern  world, subject to the parameters concerning behavior and  conduct  that  nature  has stipulated  on  them   under  Bharatiya  Samskaram.   Leaving   behind   and   throwing  away  superstitious  beliefs  and   practices  that  have   permeated   into   the   Indian  system   and   way   of   living,  there  are   certain  mandatory,  golden  rules   which  have  to   be   preserved   and    put   into  practice. They   cannot  be  erased  or  rejected,   as   they   do   have   an   everlasting   validity   and   warranty.

In  the  Tamil  Country,  it  is  commonly  said   that  in   all    those  families  where  men  have  a determining say  in  family  matters,  it  is  normally  referred  to  as          a  “ Chidambaram “ household,  more  so  named  and  called  after  the  presiding  deity of  the holy shrine at Chidambaram – Lord  Nataraja,  who  symbolizes  manhood  and holds  sway  over  his  consort  Goddess  Sivakami.  I  perceive  that  this  is   the  picture  in  a  majority  of  houses,  even  today. 

Contrarily  in  those  families where  the  above  scenario gets  reversed,  whereby  the feminine force subjugates and dominates their men counterpart, it  is  called  a               “ Madurai “ household,  more  so  because  of  the domineering  force and  power exercised  by  the  presiding  deity  of  Madurai  city –  Goddess  Meenakshi.

How  and  when  did  this classification of  Tamil Households into  the Chidambaram and  Madurai  pattern  got  evolved,  I  am  not, rather  nobody  is  sure  about.  But  this  has  been  in  vogue  for  millenniums.  Who  coined  this  term  is  also not known clearly.  This  has been doing the rounds for centuries in the Tamil country, and  whether  this  would  have  seen  birth  without  substance  and evidence is  another  thing  to  be  pondered. Personally  I  do  not  perceive  this  to   be   a  slip  of  the tongue  utterance  or  a jovial  pun  thrown  at   people  and  their  household  behavioral  pattern. It  should definitely  have  some  reasoning  behind  it.  As  the  saying  “ There  is   no  smoke  without   fire  “ holds   meaning,  both  in  substance  and  logic,  the  Chidambaram  and  Madurai  pattern  of  household   control,   also  holds  some   weight.

On  a  personal  perspective,  the  above  classification  ( narrating  the   supremacy   of  men   and  women   respectively  at  home )  does   not  seem    to   be   an   exaggerated  or  hypothetical   statement,  as   I  have  personally   seen   this  element  of  subjugation  on  some  friends  and  associates, who  are  dominated  by  their  husbands’ and   wives’.  It  is  a   pity   to  see  them   digest  and   tolerate  ignominies   thrown  on  them  by   their  life   partners’.  I  have  stopped   visiting   them,  just  to  save  embarrassment.     

 I   close   thus -    Men   to   be   called   so   must   be  adaptable and  brave.   If tormenting   their   wives’  is  loathsome and shameful,  then fearing  them  is   unmanly and inglorious.    Women   to   be  called   so  must   be  accomodative  and  suave,  they  should  neither  fear  for  nor  dominate  their  husbands “ .  Only   an  optimistic  combination  and  a  balanced   mix  of  control,  affection  and   understanding,  symbolizing  the  characteristics  of   both    patterns,   between       the  “ Bharya “  and  “ Bhartha “   would   go  to  make  an     ideal    family.                                                                                                                                                                                                 ========
(* written after observing the plight of some henpecked heroes and tormented dames )