Wednesday, 14 September 2016


We are a nation of startling contrasts.   An union of varied races, languages, castes, religions et al.. To put it openly – a   country of divergent groups of people,   stuck   together by a democratic framework,  adopted  constitution and a strong, disciplined military.
We have -
1)    Opulent wealth resting with one section of people, heartrending poverty roasting another section
2) Strident industrial development on one side, staggering, and struggling  agricultural scenario on the other side
3)    Uncontrolled urban development,  uncared for rural areas
4) Massive medical institutions, hospitals in cities and towns, while rampant malnourishment, apathetic health conditions, abhorring infrastructure plague the  rural  areas, so much so that a poor, unfortunate citizen had to carry  his  wife’s  dead  body on foot for over 10 kilometers, for want of an ambulance in Orissa.
5)    Conquered the skies with satellites, whereas our villages and remote areas languish without  adequate street lights
6)    Emerged as leaders in the field of software, but millions walk without footwear
7)    Shining four lane expressways, but deplorable potholed country roads
8)    Highly corrupt polity and  bureaucracy, ruling over a submissive, tolerant and docile populace
9)    Women Goddesses deified as Immortals in temples, while the common mortals are  tormented, harassed at home, work spots  and public places 
10) Numerous tax rates and structures,  with wide scale evasion
11) Been blessed with many rivers and other natural resources, over which regional states bicker and fight. The horrendous attack by Kannada fringe outfits on Tamils and their properties at Bangalore and other places in Karnataka sent shock waves throughout the country. The hooliganism had the stamp of indirect political instigation as everything seems to have been preplanned malevolently and executed with hatred.  This   unfortunate    episode   has   once again proved that  all  high talk, rhetoric  and  sermons  on Indian integration are nothing but a farce and  laughing stock. The mindless mayhem unleashed on the streets of Bangalore is deplorable and highly condemnable.   Bangalore’s   image  has  suffered  a  beating,  with  insecurity plaguing the industrial houses and business entrepreneurs.
12) Unity in diversity as the official motto, contrarily on the ground disunity prevails in Toto – what with the innumerable caste, communal clashes, regional disturbances fuelled by river disputes, border tussles etc
13)  Abundant manpower and skills, but unexplored talents going unrecognized due to official and bureaucratic apathy
14)  An array of native languages,  house a multi lingual society, all unified by a foreign language ( English )
15)  A surging sense of patriotism and oneness exhibited during an emergency and external threat, and an overt exhibition of disunity during peaceful times.
16) Recurrent political scams of gargantuan nature, enacted  without remorse or shame
17)  Institutions lending at will to big businessmen who default on repayment and even flee the country, while the poor and middle class borrowers are physically assaulted and harassed by recovery agents.

The list can continue a bit longer. But it is time to stop.

The ruling establishment at the  Centre should strive its best towards fostering an uniform, all round development in the country, eschewing political differences  and  work  steadfastly for  removing   regional  imbalances.

This is our motherland, and all the wealth that  She has,  is   to  be inherited,  shared  and  enjoyed  by  everyone  of  us,  cohesively.


1 comment:

  1. Yes...of course it is true...remove reservations....restructure taxes... and revenue system from root level... encourage system based government ...handshake to non productive will take another millennium to achieve our goals...
