Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Nature’s Fury and Jury

The deluge that engulfed Chennai city, its suburbs and other coastal towns of Tamil Nadu  has never been seen before. That the great Metro was brought to its knees and made to cower, goes to prove in clear, explicit terms that men, machine and materials are all immaterial before the power of nature. Nothing can stand against such a tumultuous force and anything and everything that comes its way would be swept away. As far as the eye could see, there is nothing other than sheets of water to be seen. The historical city got historical rain which unfolded untold misery.

Almost all suburban areas of Chennai city went under knee deep water with entire colonies getting submerged, throwing normal life out of gear to shreds. Road, Rail and Air connectivity to Chennai city went haywire. The loss of valuables is invaluable. The remedial measures initiated by the Government machinery, assisted by social service organizations, charitable associations succeeded in rescuing marooned people from their drenched, submerged habitats but the bitter, horrid memories will linger in peoples’ mind, and haunt them for a long time to come.

The saying “ Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink “ came verbatim true for thousands and thousands of desperate people. The intensity of the tragedy attained gargantuan levels with the media visuals getting aired. For over a century, a calamity of this magnitude was neither expected nor experienced by Chennai city and its inhabitants. Nonetheless to say, it will take considerable time and energy to resuscitate the ravaged city and its beleaguered residents.
Seeing their residential units submerged in swollen waters, the unfortunate owners will definitely have a second thought about continuing living there, even after the water receding. What is the guarantee  that  the horrendous experience will  not  get  repeated  next year ?

The floods exposed the rapaciousness of the realtors, builders in converting water bodies into layouts and promoting dwelling units on lakebeds with sheer impunity of law and scant respect for nature. This Himalayan tragedy  is  attributed  to  the  connivance, nexus  between the realtors and the Government Authorities, for promoting and approving the construction of houses on encroached lakes and dried water bodies. It should be remembered that mother  nature  has  the  means  to  provide for everyone’s need, but  it  cannot  satisfy  a  single  man’s  greed.

What has been done, cannot be undone. The Government should rise up to the occasion in alleviating the sufferings of the affected people. More importantly, there should be stringent regulations while granting approval for construction of residential and commercial units. The hand of law should come down heavily on the violating realtors and the conniving officials, who flout all rules and prosper at the expense of the hapless investors. It is time to swirl the whip, so as to bring the offenders to submit and fall in line. Lest this tragic episode will get enacted over and over again.


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