Sunday, 15 February 2015

* Conundrums of Health

To be born as a human being is indeed a boon. “Aridhu, Aridhu, Manidarai Piraththal Aridhu,” -  to put it in Tamil. To live as one is the real test, an examination conducted under the watchful eyes and supervision of the Almighty, in which only one portion pass out successfully, and the others fail to make it, carrying the left over arrears to their yonder world only to come back to the earth in another birth, either in human form or otherwise, so as to appear for the examination again. The fortunate few who sail through this phase should possess the vision and vibrancy to clear the viva voce on the heavenly altars and meander their way into the gates of El Dorado.

To lead a healthy life is indeed a jackpot. This Providential Blessing smiles only on a miniscule percentage and gives the skip to the majority. The normal prayer is  “ Orandum est ut sit  mens sana in corpore sano  “ – meaning you should have a sound  mind in a sound body. A happy pairing of both is very much sought and prayed for by every soul. It is also the dream of every living thing crisscrossing the earth. Life being a game of chance, showers this blessing on some and deprives it from many. The reasons are manifold, some fathomable and the others not. For the ones who are blessed with this sterling combination, life would resemble an Elysium.

Discord between the above said two factors can lead to divorce of health from our physical self, paving the way for a dejected mind and a sickly existence till the end. The effects will be vice versa from the previous situation / scenario. One has to resign to a debilitating innings, chugging miserably to the last vestiges of life till elegy is sung.

It is a general notion that one should be possessed of good habits to sustain a long, healthy lifespan. Steer clear of tobacco, alcohol and other vices for a prolonged stay, as affliction to them may hasten one’s departure. Agree that the above universal law has its reach and applicability. They should be imparted to children so as to make them aware of the ill effects of the vicious pastimes.  Vice Free living is undoubtedly Wish(e)ful Living.

I have seen instances of strict teetotalers leaving the earth all of a sudden, in  haste. When the news came that they had been catapulted from the earth to eternity, it was a rude shock, as some of them had not exhibited the slightest signs of illness at any point of time. It was simply like this – They were there, they were not there “. We can only draw solace by repeating that the “ unexpected always happens “ on such occasions.

Contrarily Vice Men are seen straddling with abundant health and energy, as they seem to believe and adhere to the saying  that “ Variety is the spice of life “. They repose allegiance to addictions, and follow verbatim what Lord Byron said –  “ Man being reasonable must get drunk. The best of life is but intoxication “.   

Clean habits, regular dietary intake, good manners - these are all general precautions that humans can take towards preserving a healthy constitution. But the ultimate dispensation of good health  rests with a higher judge in whose court there is no provision for protest or questioning, and above Him there is no appellate authority.  We cannot question His actions and pose a “ Why Me “ query to Him. We will not get an answer, but what if we get a “ Why not you “ reply from the sky. So it would be better to live life in its own route and travel with whatever experiences that come our way.

As in all cases, you only die once.  Once dead, the good and the bad are covered by the same moss.
  * Written after the sudden, untimely demise of two friends.

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