Friday, 30 January 2015

marriage musings

Marriage musings
Marriage  is  a  wonderful  phenomenon,  an  excellent  bondage  filled with eternal and elderly  blessings, laced with happiness and harmony, in the life of every human being. It was evolved from time immemorial as a longstanding, lifetime relationship   though  in  the  fast, modern world some of them suffer an early expiry date. It would be a marathon, if the parties to it have mutual love, affection and understanding. If not it may just resemble a 20 – 20 cricket match, having patches of excitement here and there and ending all of a sudden, in a jiffy. To the successful it is a gift, for the not so fortunate,  it will be rift and swift.  .

Hindu marriages are principally different from Muslim and Christian marriages in that it is considered not only as a contract, but also a sacrament.. Given the innumerable castes that the Hindu religion encompasses, the rituals associated with marriages differ from caste to caste, group to group, region to region, so on and so forth. But for a slight semblance of uniformity in ritualistic patterns, they vary altogether, with each group having their own shades of belief and adherence. Contrarily Muslim and Christian marriages are conducted on a more so uniform manner all over the world, with slight local adaptation, here and there, that too influenced by the culture of the country where they live and got assimilated to.

The duration of the marriage also varies among different sections of Indian society. Some are short -. Malayalee marriages are sterling examples. Totally devoid of intricate rituals, they will be over, as soon as they begin. No officiating priests’, no vedic hype, no elaborate ceremonies and lavish spending, et al. The function will be conducted under the tutelage and guidance of the elders of the bridal families. Simplicity will be an indelible factor in their marriages,  as pomp and grandiose spending are not embedded in their behavioral (DNA) pattern.  As a matter of fact, frugal living runs in their veins and lavishness is looked down scornfully in a vast majority of the Mallu households. One can witness this glaring testimony of simplicity in almost all walks and strata of Keralites – extending even to the politicians and the filmy superstars.  Not much of flashy dances, extravagant sets, to mention few parameters synonymous to that glitzy industry.

Some marriages are long – Frankly speaking I really wonder as to why Brahmin marriages should be so drawn out and wearing, spread over two days? Apart from the time factor, the cost factor involved has taken gargantuan proportions in the present day – what with the food bill itself running to a hefty six figure, good enough to drain the bridal parents’ of their earnings and savings. It burns a hole in their pockets ( literally ),  with the contractor, the venue managers and the officiating pundits pocketing the bounty, the first mentioned taking a lion’s share with him, for arranging the labyrinth procedures associated with a Tam Brahm marriage. Given the spiraling rate of inflation that plagues India on a perennial basis, the amount spent on food alone has reached Himalayan heights. We have no regrets in sitting idle for hours together at the marriage hall, indulge in chatting and gossiping,  and gobbling up the delicacies served, spread over 7 to 8 courses, after the end of every ritualistic event.  More than watching the festivities, idle tattle  will  prevail  among  the invitees, wherein every topic under the sun ( auspicious or otherwise ) would be dissected at will.  Nonetheless to say that they are occasions of joyful pandemonium of near and dear ones, from far and near, going rapturous with joy and affection. The piquant aspect is only on the lengthy process involved in conducting the happy function.

When accosted with this question my father informed me that the present day marriages are very much shortened  when compared to their times. I was flabbergasted to hear from my parents that their marriage was a five day affair.  The ultimate aim of matrimony is to declare a man and woman as husband and wife and bring two hearts together. The end result being so plain and defined, why should the course of action leading to its accomplishment be so complex and  circuitous? Anyone would become a pauper if such an elaborate process had continued till this day. Thank God, it petered out decades back.  

I was a personal witness to a friend’s marriage, who is a Nair. On entering the hall, I exchanged pleasantries with friends, settled in a comfortable seat, and fixed my eyes to the stage to witness the marriage rituals. Believe it or not, in about 20 minutes the marriage was over, with the groom tying the mangalsutra on the bride and taking her as his wife, after which the guests were invited for lunch. Truly Picture Perfect. Being a Tamil Brahmin this took me by surprise,  as we are accustomed to marathon marriages and not willing to have anything other than an elaborate, extended show, at the end of which  both the guests’ and the newly weds get tired and worn out . I trooped out of the marriage hall, totally awe struck by this super fast marriage. No doubt, with such explicit and candid display of austerity, it is not surprising to witness hundreds of marriages getting solemnized at Guruvayur temple, on auspicious days.

Left to myself, I find it very difficult to sit through a Brahmin marriage. ( That I had to undergo the exhaustive ritualistic drill on a personal note in my marriage, makes me speak out with doubled vigour ). There is an overdose of rituals – some of them have lost their meaning and purpose now.  They had a stamp of relevancy in the olden times, but on a deeper analysis have no importance whatsoever, as of today. Jaanavaasam, Nalangu, Kattusadham to name a few. It is nothing but monotonous following of foregone practices, not attuned and cohesive to the current period.  Is it prudent to follow something Utopian today.? Gen Next should deliberate upon and introspect this aspect in detail and depth. When will someone take the initiative towards ushering in the revolutionary step of  celebrating a concise wedding?. How long will it take to realise this? Fin-de-siecle – at least.  It is high time to bid adieu to the serpentine wedding rituals, and retain only those relevant portions.  Hope saner thinking would prevail in the future years on the brides’ and grooms’ to be, as they should take the lead in this direction. Positive signs are emerging from a tiny fraction. Though nascent, this optimistic trend should gain ground and grow in strength.

One has to remember that Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal, the Kanchi Paramacharya, revered by millions of people, was a strong exponent of conducting marriages in a simple manner, and had written, spoken about it in his articles and sermons. Mere adherence to his advice would definitely go to foster winds of change.

On a personal note, I am a strong votary to usher and practice this on my wards’, if blessed with an opportunity to arrange their matrimony with an equally simple, affable family, bereft of dogmatic approach. Can be sure of one thing, I will not be ostracized and castigated if such a step is tried and embarked upon now.  Do not know what is in store?  Nambikkaiye  Vaazhkai

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