Monday, 13 April 2015


As commonality would have it, friendship is probably the noblest of all relationship  among human beings. This wonderful feeling finds a place in the Puranas itself - extolling the Duryodhana – Karna,  Krishna – Arjuna episodes, and in the age of the royalties involving Kopperum Chozhan – Pisirandhaiyar, Akbar – Birbal, so to say a few. In  modern  times  the  tinsel  world  has glorified  this  phenomenon  in  many  movies.

Why restrict this lovely, adorable concept to the humans alone? It can be extended to some of the four legged creatures too, the domesticated ones that are bred and taken care in farms, households, shelters etcetera.. Among them too, the canine variety deserves a special mention. The dedication shown, affection showered by them to their masters’ are very well known. Their company is enjoyed and eulogized by those who rear such pets at home. That dogs alone are cited as sterling examples for gratitude, stands  testimony  to  their  attachment to humans, as it is accepted for sure that ingratitude runs thick and deep in the veins of sixth sensed mortals. That they have stood thick and thin with their masters, even during times of war and calamity is an indisputable fact.  Modern history is replete with stories of dedication shown, sacrifices made by dogs, both in civilian and military assignments.  The overt outpour of affection by a canine to its master was recently witnessed by the world in the electronic media, on the untimely demise of  IAS officer Ravi at Bangalore. Those pictures spoke for the depth of the bondage between humans and canines, a blending of love and care mutually shared between two hearts, one ensconced in human and the other in animal anatomy. They serve as a great friend and saviour – amigo and aide de camp, without  expecting  any material  favour.

Everyone, if not so, a vast majority of the two legged inhabitants of the world would subscribe to the above proposition, and have friends, but for a punitive minority of solitary reapers and sky gazers, affiliated  to  soliloquy. 

Friendship is a beautiful symphony, a blending of human minds that transcends barriers, be it  caste, creed, religion, sex, linguistic, regional etc... Everything associated with this fine feeling is broad and nothing is narrow. Friendship is described as one soul residing in two bodies.

My friends’ list. is quite long. It encompasses school and college friends, professional and other general acquaintances. Alma Mater friendship is still g(row)oing, ticking strong..  We meet on social occasions, or create one such, just to have  frolicking  fun.  Be it birthdays, wedding days, marriages, we meet at a svelte outlet, which  for  sure,  goes  to  recharge  our  drooping  middle  age batteries, both on  our  physical   and   psychological  parameters.  While the atmosphere would be  suave  in  school friends’ meeting,  it would  be a noisy pandemonium among college gathering. Grace will prevail in the former gathering while garrulousness will dominate the latter. Personally both are relished  by  me,  as  variety  is  very  much  a  part  of  my  life.

This wonderful chord  has in  its fold my School English Teacher, who is a great source of encouragement. Stationed overseas, she motivates me a lot, supports my endeavours  and corrects me on a factual error.  Special thanks are also due in this regard to an elderly College Teacher.   “ Acharya  Devo  Bhava “

Apart from the above informal coterie, the formal list encompasses people from the professional, employment bandwagon, whose guidance, and support have been of invaluable help in shaping my career. They have been instrumental in initiating an upward trend in my avocation. Special mention must be made of those gentlemen who are partners of leading audit firms, for having reposed faith and entrusted me with challenging assignments. I am grateful to Almighty for giving me such adorable acquaintances, who are held in very high esteem. Thinking of them I always remember the saying  Gratitude is the best of virtues,  ingratitude is the worst of vices “. 

Of course, mention should definitely be made about that special friend, a senior Government Official, with whom I have cemented an excellent rapport, as we find ourselves glued to many common interests. The friend in concern, though elder by age, knowledge and experience has always treated me at par and never left me wanting in reception and revelation. Over the years our association has grown on premium, sans any discount. We have travelled the plains and hills, deliberated on multitude of topics at will and length.  I have sought ( still seek ) many professional advices from that versatile person, which ca(o)me instantly with involvement. The receptiveness exhibited by that gentleman stands tall and towers over his diminutive figure.

I  earnestly  wish  that  the  wonderful   journey  with  my  friends’  should  continue  ad infinitum. 

Life also gave me some bad, embarrassing experiences from people who were associated  with me under the garb of friends. On revealing  their  true colours, they  have  got  banished  from  that  sphere  and  pushed  into  mental  oblivion.

May Providence shower His Choicest Blessings on my family, friends, acquaintances and  keep them all  in  good stead  and  bearing.  Manmatha Varsha Puththandu Vazhththukkal and Vishu Aasamshagal.
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